The Golden Estate: Privileged Living For Senior Citizens
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Why you must go on a honeymoon post retirement-Top Five reasons

Retirement always offers new adjustments to stay active and engaged in a world that one is supposed to live for the rest of his/her life. You have always walked out of the door in the morning where your deadlines, meetings and duties were waiting. It was not a matter of having enough things to fill the day, but rather having enough time in the day to get everything done. Then one fine day, you retire! Your days that were busy earlier start longing for meaningful tasks to fill up the calendar. This is of course one perspective of retirement that may make us sad! Let’s not talk about it.

Consider your retirement as the RECOGNITION of the fact that you have fulfilled your duties well in your entire career. Now that you have done your part, you need your time and space and consider RETIREMENT as the golden age of your life. They say, love when young is beautiful! We believe that love in the old age is even more beautiful!  It’s not because you have been together for almost the lifetime, but because you have beautifully faced the hurdles of life and still stand together.

I am sure by the time you finish this article you will fall in love with your partner once again and would love to go on a tour to find solace. There are of course a few reasons why you must go on a honeymoon post retirement.

  1. Enough has been there on budget travels when the destination you chose depended on your budget. The time to live life is now, when your children are settled, your loans are cleared and your expenses don’t depend on your salary. All you need to travel in your golden years is the courage and the willingness to travel.
  2. Your first honeymoon trip must have had the time constraint when you probably had to report back to work the at the earliest. A carefree trip is possible only when you are retired as you don’t have the time constraint. You may at anytime extend your plans depending on your wish. The joy of travelling together is the best in older yearsas you both truly need each other. The person next to you knows you so well that the dependency itself creates a unique bond of love.
  3. Explore places that you have always dreamt of exploring. Life often gives you another chance to fulfill your desires and this is one such time where you get to explore all that you could possibly explore in your lifetime. So instead of being bothered about your cracking bones or your shortness of breath, you should beat the pains and rise above. You now have freedom to take things easy, enjoy the downtime and go with the flow.
  4. Gone are the times when managing schedules was a priority and personal life took a back seat. You have done enough of that! You now have an open calendar in front of you to fill your days with memories. Now is the time when your travel plans depend more on your mood than your time and space.
  5. The busy life so far seldom spared any moment for you to enjoy the little things in life. Now that you are happily retired, you can give full time and attention to each other to make life better for each of you. You finally have time to attack the to-do list you have been compiling for many years.

When grace is joined with wrinkles, it is adorable. There is an unspeakable dawn in happy old age. We wish you a Happy golden Age!


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